
Wu et al reported a scoring system for monitoring a patient with oral lichen planus. This can aid assessment of response to therapy. The authors are from Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Sichuan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, National Clinical Research Center for Stomatology, Peking University and Chongqing Medical University.

Patient selection: oral lichen planus



(1) reticulations (R)

(2) hyperemia or erythema (H)

(3) erosions or ulcerations (U)



(1) upper lip (red lip and inner lip)

(2) lower lip (red lip and inner lip)

(3) left buccal mucosa

(4) right buccal mucosa

(5) maxillary gingiva (including vestibular sulcus)

(6) mandibular gingiva (including vestibular sulcus)

(7) left dorsal tongue and ventral tongue

(8) right dorsal tongue and ventral tongue

(9) floor of mouth

(10) hard palate

(11) soft palate


Each site is graded for reticulations according to the following scheme.




none (0%)


< 50%


>= 50%



The area of hyperemia or erythema in each site in square cm is recorded.


The area of erosions or ulcerations in each site in square cm is recorded.


subscore for reticulations =

= SUM(points for all sites)


subscore for hyperemia or erythema =

= SUM(area for all sites)


subscore for erosion or ulceration =

= SUM(area for all sites)


total weighted score =

= (subscore for reticulations) + (1.5 * (subscore for erythema or hyperemia)) + (2 * (subscore for erosions or ulcerations))



• minimum total weighted score: 0

• maximum total weighted score: dependent on the areas of involvement

• The higher the score the more severe the oral lichen planus.

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