
Secundines is derived from the Latin term for "afterbirth". Retained secundines refers to portions of the placenta that are not evacuated after a delivery.

Potential hazards of retained secundines:

(1) endometritis

(2) pyometra

(3) endometrial adhesions

(4) endometrial bleeding

(5) infertility

(6) disruption of lactogenesis


Retained secundines may be large or small.


Large secundines may be associated with:

(1) placenta percretra, increta or accreta

(2) an accessory disk

(3) growth into a uterine scar


Smaller secundines may be small placental fragments (portions of one or more cotyledons) that are torn off during manual delivery of the uterus.


One reason for placental examination after delivery is to look for evidence of a torn surface and/or obviously missing fragments.


Imaging studies can confirm the diagnosis and help to guide management but may be insensitive to small fragments.


If retained secundines are suspected and if there are problems then a curettage of the endometrial cavity may be necessary to recover the missing fragments.

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