The anatomic sites and extent of involvement should be specified in a patient with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the lower extremity. The International Consensus Committee has given direction for the clinical reporting of the imaging study findings.
Imaging technique: phlebography, duplex scanning or other applicable method
Deep venous segments:
(1) tibial-soleal veins
(2) popliteal vein
(3) common femoral vein
(4) superficial femoral vein
(5) iliac vein
(6) inferior vena cava
Superficial venous sites:
(1) greater saphenous vein and its branches
(2) lesser saphenous vein and its branches
(3) unnamed cutaneous veins (specify location)
Extent of Site Involvement
subsegmental, nonocclusive thrombus
subsegmental, occlusive thrombus
occlusive thrombus throughout length of the segment
thrombotic score =
= SUM(grades for all venous segments)
• minimum thrombotic score: 0
• maximum thrombotic score: 24 (may be 27+ if several unnamed veins involved)
• The higher the score, the more extensive the involvement.
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