
Uldall et al made a number of recommendations for centrifuging potentially infectios materials.


(1) generation of aerosols

(2) spilling of infectious material if there is breakage or leakage



(1) Centrifuge tubes should be sealed and break-resistant.

(2) The rotor assemblies should be sealed.

(3) All components of the centrifuge should be easy to clean and able to handle the decontaminating solution.


If the rotors are not sealed then venting the centrifuge into the room is a hazard due to the risk of an aerosol being generated.


Additional recommendations:

(1) As much work as possible should be done in a biohazard hood.

(2) Always wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when filling or emptying the rotor assembly.

(3) Keep an eye out for a spill, leak or break and clean immediately.

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