
Brunelli et al made recommendations for the evaluation of a patient undergoing resection of a lung cancer. This can help to determine the patient's risk after surgery. The authors are from the American College of Chest Surgeons.

Patient selection: patient undergoing resection of a lung cancer



(1) predicted post-operative FEV1 in percent

(2) predicted post-operative DLco in percent


Predicted FEV1

Predicted DLco


>= 60%

>= 60%

no further testing

>= 30% and < 60%


simple exercise test such as stair climb or shuttle walk test


>= 30% and < 60%

simple exercise test such as stair climb or shuttle walk test

< 30%


cardiopulmonary exercise test with measurement of maximal oxygen consumption


< 30%

cardiopulmonary exercise test with measurement of maximal oxygen consumption


predicted postoperative FEV1 as percent of predicted =

= (preoperative FEV1 as percent of predicted) * (1 - (fraction of resected functional lung))



• Fraction of resected lung can be determined by postbronchodilator perfusion scan or number of functional and unobstructed segments resected.


If the simple exercise is abnormal (symptom limited at < 400 meters on shuttle walk test or < 22 meters climbed on stair climb) then a cardiopulmonary exercise test with maximal oxygen consumption should be performed. Higher levels of performance are considered low risk.


VO2 in mL per kg per min

VO2 in percent

Risk Group

> 20 or

or > 75%


10-20 or

or 35-75%


< 10 or

or < 35%



If maximal oxygen saturation is < 10 mL per kg per min or < 35% of predicted should have minimally invasive surgery, sublobar resections or nonoperative management.

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