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The ratio of hemoglobin in mature red cells to the hemoglobin in reticulocytes correlates with the severity of hemolysis and the reduction in red blood cell survival for patients with hemoglobinopathies. It can be used to monitor therapy for patients with hemoglobinopathy-related hemolytic anemia.


hemoglobin concentration in reticulocytes in g/L =

= (absolute reticulocyte count per µL) * (reticulocyte hemoglobin content in picograms per cell) * 10^6 * 10^(-12)



• pico = 10^(-12)

• 10^6 indicates the number of microliters in a liter


hemoglobin concentration in mature red cells in g/L =

= (hemoglobin concentration in total red cells in g/L) - (concentration of hemoglobin in reticulocytes in g/L)


ratio of (mature red cell hemoglobin) to (reticulocyte hemoglobin) =

= (concentration of hemoglobin in mature red cells in g/L) / (concentration of hemoglobin in reticulocytes in g/L)



• The normal ratio of mature red cell to reticulocyte hemoglobin concentration in adults is 76.58 +/- 21.93, giving a lower limit of normal of 54.55.

• Adult patients with hemoglobinopathies and decreased red cell survival will have a ratio less than normal; one method (unverified) of grading the ratio would be < 15 severe, 15 - 36 moderate, 37 - 54 mild.

• In healthy children the ratio is 78.5 +/- 30.4, giving a lower limit of 48.1

• For children with iron deficiency the ratio overlaps the normal range (59 +/- 21.9, or 37.1 to 80.9).

• Patients with hemoglobinopathy and hemolytic anemia who are treated successfully will show an increase in the ratio.


(Adult Population)

percent reticulocytes

reticulocyte hemoglobin in g/L

mature red cell hemoglobin content in g/L


AA (normal)

1.33 +/- 0.39

1.76 +/- 0.59

124.61 +/- 15.05

76.58 +/- 21.93

SC (4 alpha)

3.57 +/- 3.02

3.33. +/- 1.52

100.98 +/- 18.7

36.56 +/- 17.75

SS (4 alpha)

10.52 +/- 4.14

6.47 +/- 3.05

54.69 +/- 14

9.79 +/- 4.08

SS (3 alpha)

6.94 +/- 3.08

5.27 +/- 1.51

73.33 +/- 16.34

16.15 +/- 10.08

SS (2 alpha)

6.88 +/- 2.24

5.48 +/- 1.06

77.13 +/- 14.96

14.70 +/- 4.95

Table 1, page 135, Brugnara 1997; alpha indicates the number of alpha chains in hemoglobin, with patients having alpha thalassemia possessing less than 4


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