The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) developed a scale to describe neurologic function. Bruna et al used it to describe the performance level of a patient with a neurologic disorder. It resembles the ECOG scale.
Patient selection: presence of a neurologic disorder
Neurologic Findings
able to perform normal activities
none or minimal
able to perform normal activities with minimal difficulties
present but do not require nursing care or hospitalization
performing normal activities difficult
requires nursing care or hospitalization; confined to bed or wheelchair; may have intellectual impairment
unable to perform any task
requires constant care; may be unable to communicate or in a coma
• Grade 4 could be divided further, splitting of those in coma or a persistent vegetative state.
• The ECOG scale goes from 0 to 4, with 0 corresponding to RTOG Grade 1.
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