
Puerperal ovarian vein thrombophlebitis describes thrombosis of the ovarian vein in the post-partum period. This may be unilateral or bilateral and often requires a high index of suspicion for diagnosis.


Onset is usually 2-4 days after delivery. Most patients have a post-partum endometritis but the thrombosis may also be sterile.


Clinical findings:

(1) right lower quadrant pain mimicing acute appendicitis (right ovarian vein)

(2) left lower quadrant pain mimicing a ruptured ovarian cyst

(3) the thrombosed vessel(s) may be palpable adjacent to uterine cornua


Findings in suppurative thrombophlebitis:

(1) fever

(2) tachycardia

(3) chills


Imaging studies show thrombosis of one or both ovarian veins.


Complications were more serious prior to the availability of antibiotics:

(1) pulmonary embolism (with tachypnea, respiratory distress)

(2) sepsis

(3) metastastic abscesses


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