A patient with sclerosis of the brachial artery may appear to be hypertensive if the blood pressure is measured using a sphygmomanometer.
Risk factor for sclerosis of the brachial artery:
(1) elderly patient
(2) diabetic with renal disease
(3) scleroderma
Clinical features:
(1) hypertensive blood pressure readings over the upper arm
(2) failure of blood pressure to respond to aggressive antihypertensive therapy
(3) evidence of arterial sclerosis
(4) normal intra-arterial blood pressure
Variable findings:
(1) positive Osler maneuver (determined by palpation of the radial or brachial arterial pulse)
(2) increased difference in blood pressure between the two arms
A patient with pseudohypertension may receive unnecessary antihypertensive therapy which can result in complications such as falls from orthostatic hypotension.
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