Garster et al developed a disease-specific proxy score for measuring the quality of life for a patient with coronary heart disease. This is based on items from the QWB-SA (Quality of Well-Being, Self-Administered version). The authors are from the University of Wisconsin and the University of California at Los Angeles.
Clinical questions:
(1) needing to rest more often or stay in bed
(2) difficulty walking
(3) difficulty working
(4) difficulty sleeping
(5) difficulty with social activities
(6) difficulty with sexual activities
(7) difficulty with diet
(8) difficulty breathing
(9) loss of self-control (noncontrol)
(10) worried
(11) difficulty concentrating or remembering (confusion)
cardiovascular proxy score =
= (9.1 * (points for bed)) + (9 * (points for walking)) + (3.9 * (points for work)) + (7 * (points for sleep)) + (1.7 * (points for social)) + (3.1 * (points for sex)) + (2.5 * (points for diet)) + (7.5 * (points for breathing)) + (17.7 * (points for noncontrol)) + (0.54 * (points for worry)) - (0.6 * (points for confusion)) + 25.7
• minimum score: 25.1
• maximum score: 87.74
• The higher the score the greater the impact of the coronary artery disease on the patient's quality of life.
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