
Yabe et al identified prognostic factors for patients with hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (HSTCL). This is an aggressive form of lymphoma typically seen in adolescents and young adults. The authors are from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Columbia University and University of Miami.

Patient selection: hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma


Factors associated worse overall survival:

(1) isochromosome 7q (i7q, hazard ratio 2.5)

(2) trisomy 8 (hazard ratio 3.0)

(3) T cell receptor (TCR) alpha-beta chain expression (hazard ratio 6.6)

(4) serum total bilirubin concentration >= 1.5 mg/dL (hazard ratio 13.9)


The presence of multiple risk factors is associated with worse survival.


Stem cell transplant was associated with longer survival (hazard ratio 0.3).

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