
Wang et al reported prognostic factors for a patient with an extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma (ENKTL), nasal type. The authors are from State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China and Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center.

Patient selection: extranodal natural killer0T-cell lymphoma (ENKTL), nasal type


Unfavorable prognostic factors from multivariate analysis for overall survival:

(1) vascular invasion (HR 3.0)

(2) stage III or IV (HR 2.4)

(3) complete remission after chemotherapy (HR either 0.2 or 2.8, see comment)



• There may be an error in the reported HR for complete remission in Table V. In most tumors complete response to chemotherapy is a favorable finding. Also, the HR goes from 0.2 in the univariate analysis to 2.8 in the multivariate, while the other factors changed little.


As the number of unfavorable prognostic factors increased the overall survival decreases.

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