
Janssen et al evaluated patients with extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis. They identified prognostic factors affected overall survival. The authors are from multiple institutions in the Netherlands.

Patient selection: extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis


Outcome: overall survival


Prognostic factors associated with worse survival from the multivariate analysis:

(1) older age (relative risk 5.8 if > 60 years; 2.6 if 40 to 60 years)

(2) malignancy (relative risk 8.1)

(3) absence of abdominal inflammation (peritonitis, etc; relative risk 4.6)

(4) cirrhosis (relative risk 3.9)

(5) mesenteric vein thrombosis (relative risk 2.9)

(6) serum albumin < 35 g/L (relative risk 3.2)

(7) serum ALT >= 30 U/L (relative risk 1.9)


The survival is worse as the number of negative prognostic findings increase. The prognosis is fair (75% 10 year survival) for a patient without malignancy and without cirrhosis.

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