
Hoogeoud et al reported prognostic factors for a patient presenting with syphilitic uveitis. These factors can help to guide patient management. The authors re from multiple institutions in France.

Patient selection: syphilitic uveitis


Case characteristics:

(1) most often had panuveitis or posterior uveitis

(2) inflammation was greater in HIV positive patients


Criteria for improvement - both of the following:

(1) decrease by 2 or more steps in both anterior chamber and vitreous haze levels (using SUN guidelines)

(2) size reduction of chorioretinal lesions


Criteria for recovery: resolution of inflammation in all anatomic structures at 1 month


65% showed recovery at 1 month and 85% at last follow-up.


Predictors of recovery:

(1) clinical improvement at 1 week (corrected RR 3.5)


The use of periocular dexamethasone injections and methylprednisone pulses had a negative impact on outcomes (cRR for injections was 0.05).

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