Hartz et al studied patients with idiopathic chronic fatigue and identified factors associated with change in the level of fatigue experienced by the patient.
Improvement in the following features were independently associated with improvements in fatigue:
(1) thinking clearly
(2) feelings of depression
(3) muscle aches
(4) trouble falling asleep
Additional factors associated with greater fatigue improvement:
(1) infrequent awakening from sleep
(2) fewer hours sleeping
(3) being married
(4) older age
A simple prognostic indicator was the number of somatoform symptoms (not included in the definition of the chronic fatigue syndrome) and the clearness in thinking.
Somatoform symptoms not included in the definition of the chronic fatigue syndrome:
(1) backache
(2) indigestion
(3) diarrhea
(4) constipation
(5) other stomach or intestinal discomfort
(6) mild fever or chills
(7) unexplained muscle weakness
(8) dizziness
Clear thinking frequency measures:
(1) none of the time
(2) a little of the time
(3) some of the time
(4) a good bit of the time
(5) most of the time
(6) all of the time
Best prognosis (28% improved substantially, 24% stayed the same or deteriorated):
(1) clear think most or all of the time, AND
(2) none of the somatoform symptoms
Worse prognosis (3% improved substantially, 62% stayed the same or deteriorated):
(1) clear thinking none of the time, AND
(2) 2 or more somatoform symptoms
Specialty: Immunology/Rheumatology
ICD-10: ,