
Fan et al evaluated pediatric patients with Takayasu's arteritis. They identified a number of prognostic factors. The authors are from Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College in Beijing.

Median age: 14 years

Median BMI: 19.7


Sites of major vascular involvement: abdominal aorta; renal, sublcavian, carotid, coronary arteries


Outcomes: rehospitalization, vascular complication, flare, death


Mortality rate: 3% (mid-aortic syndrome; coronary artery involvement)


Poor prognostic factors:

(1) lower BMI at presentation

(2) younger age at presentation

(3) stroke

(4) elevated CRP (above the upper limit of normal)


Predictors of events (vascular complications, flares, death):

(1) BMI (HR 0.49)

(2) stroke (HR 7.4)

(3) revascularization (HR 0.51): balloon angioplasty, stenting, bypass graft, valve replacement, pseudoaneurysm repair

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