Parameters used for calculation:
(1) age in years
(2) average heart rate
(3) PaCO2 in mm Hg
(4) presence or absence of Pseudomonas cepacia in the sputum
p value =
= 116.42 – (0.53 * (average heart rate)) – (12.98 * (value for Pseudomonas cepacia)) – (0.95 * (PaCO2 in mm Hg)) – (1.01 * (age in years))
• The value for Pseudomonas cepacia is 0 if the organism is absent and 1 if present.
• A markedly increased heart rate in an afebrile patient is a poor prognostic sign (page 101).
• If p > 0, then the prognosis for extended survival following nutritional intervention is good.
• If p < 0, then the prognosis for extended survival following nutritional intervention is poor.
• The outcome for p = 0 is not stated but presumed indeterminate.
• The study was reported in 1986 and changes in management of cystic fibrosis and malnourishment have occurred.
• It would be interested if colonization with other Gram-negative bacteria has a similar impact on outcome.
• Newer diagnostic modalities may have been developed for evaluating cardiac function.