
Barcode labels are used to identify many things. A problem with a barcode label can result in a failure to identify or even result in misidentification.


Problems may arise from:

(1) a defect in printing the label

(2) covering the code with another label

(3) obscuring the code with blood, ink or other materials

(4) smudging of the label

(5) torn or damaged label

(6) poor orientation relative to the reader

(7) misinterpretation of one code type as another


Problems can be prevented by:

(1) selecting a robust barcode type with error detection features.

(2) use of high quality label printers

(3) use of high quality label stock

(4) training people in the optimum use of bar codes

(5) inspecting labels before and during use

(6) using software that can help to detect problems and to alert the user


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