Psychological problems for the caregiver:
(1) worry about the future
(2) anxiety and/or depression
(3) worrying about the partner's suffering
(4) worrying about causing a recurrence or relapse
(5) coping with changes in the partner's personality
Social problems for the caregiver:
(1) deterioration in relationship with the partner
(2) deterioration in the sex life with the partner
(3) social isolation
Physical problems for the caregiver:
(1) fatigue
(2) sleep deprivation
(3) physical overexertion, especially in the elderly
Other problems:
(1) financial difficulties
(2) needing to care for others
(3) needing to make difficult decisions about the partner's care
(1) The quality of life for the caregiver is often worse than that of the patient.
(2) Caregivers often experience major depression, which may be masked.
(3) The cumulative stress can eventually result in deterioration of the relationship.