
Caramaru identified risk factors associated with pulmonary arterial thrombosis in patients with Eisenmenger Syndrome (congenital heart disease with secondary pulmonary hypertension). This can help identify patients who may benefit from prophylactic anticoagulation. The authors are from Unidade Clinica de Cardiologia Pediatrica e Cardiopatrias Congenitas do Adulto in Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Parameters to consider:

(1) age

(2) peripheral oxygen saturation

(3) plasma D-dimer levels


The probability of pulmonary arterial thrombosis increases with age (Figure 2, page 222):


X =

= (0.185317 * (age in years)) - 7.10842


probability of pulmonary arterial thrombosis =

= EXP(X) / (1 + EXP(X))


Indications for prophylactic anticoagulation:

(1) age >= 30 years of age

(2) chronic low peripheral oxygen saturation

(3) increased plasma D-dimer levels


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