Prehospital Advanced Triage Method (Modelo Extrahospitalario De Triage Avanzado, META): Urgent Surgical Evacuation (UESA) and Most Relevant Severe Injuries
Prehospital Advanced Triage Method (ModeloExtrahospitalario De Triage Avanzado, META) involves a number of steps. Tasks include recognition of injuries requiring urgent surgical assessment and those that are the most severe.
Urgent evacuation for surgical assessment (UESA):
(1) all penetrating injuries to the head, neck, torso and extremities proximal to the elbow or knee
(2) open pelvic fracture
(3) closed pelvic fracture with mechanical or haemodynamic instability
(4) blunt torso trauma with haemodynamic instability
Most relevant severe injuries:
(1) open or depressed skull fracture
(2) chest wall instability
(3) two or more proximal long bone fractures
(4) crushed, degloved or mangled extremity
(5) amputation proximal to wrist or ankle
(6) severe burns
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