
Valenti et al reported predictors for anastomotic leakage after bowel resection in a woman with advanced ovarian cancer. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from a draining colostomy. The authors are from multiple institutions in Italy and England.

Patient selection: advanced ovarian or related (fallopian tube, etc) cancer


Frequency of anastomotic leak: 4-7%


Anastomotic leakage can result in delay in adjuvant chemotherapy, which can adversely affect survival.


Predictors of anastomotic leakage:

(1) pre-operative serum albumin concentration <= 3 g/dL (OR 5.3)

(2) multiple bowel resections (OR 4.4), presumably related to the cancer

(3) primary cytoreductive surgery (OR 1.7)



• Would no previous bowel resections indicate primary cytoreductive surgery?


Factors not predictive:

(1) ASA score

(2) presence of ascites

(3) optimal cytoreduction

(4) protective stoma

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