
Philip et al reported factors associated with severe leptospirosis. These can help to identify a patient who may require more aggressive management. The authors are from Universiti Putra Malaysia and UniversitiTechnoli MARA in Malaysia.

Patient selection: leptospirosis


Predictors of severe leptospirosis:

(1) mechanical ventilation

(2) acute kidney injury (AKI)

(3) septic shock

(4) serum creatinine > 1.13 mg/dL and urea > 7 mmol/L

(5) elevated liver function tests (ALA > 50 U/L, AST > 50 U/L)

(6) thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 150 * 10^9/L)


These are basically measures of organ failure, indicating that multi-organ failure is associated with severe leptospirosis.

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