Factors affecting the amount of both allogeneic and autologous products:
(1) low preoperative hemoglobin
(2) increased number of posterior levels fused (which was associated with increased duration of the surgery)
Additional factors affecting the amount of allogeneic blood transfused:
(1) tumor surgery (which was associated with not using intraoperative blood salvage)
(2) history of pulmonary disease
(3) decreased number of autologous products available
(4) not using a Jackson table
Additional factors affecting the amount of autologous blood transfused:
(1) increased number of autologous products available
• Tables used were the anterior fusion, crest rolls Wilson frame, Jackson, 4-poster, tower and other. The Jackson table was used almost half of the patients.
• Patients undergoing tumor surgery usually did not have autologous products available.
• Intraoperative blood salvage tends not to be used if operating on malignant tumors.
• The Jackson table reduces intra-abdominal pressure, which may reduce bleeding from epidural veins during surgery.
• Administration of erythropoietin prior to surgery may help improve the preoperative hemoglobin, which may reduce the amount of transfused blood needed.