
Marque et al identified risk factors for a patient being transfused within a week of being discharged from a medical intensive care unit (ICU). A high-risk patient may benefit from closer monitoring and the use of blood conserving measures. The authors are from Cochin Hospital in Paris.


Patient selection: patient admitted to the medical ICU


The strongest predictor for blood transfusion after discharge was a hospital admission for sepsis (odds ratio 342).


Additional risk factors identified on multiple logistic regression analysis:

(1) malignancy

(2) female gender

(3) higher LOD (logistic organ dysfunction) score at discharge from the ICU

(4) older age (an age > 65 was somewhat arbitrarily chosen for the implementation)


Factors associated with reduced likelihood of blood transfusion:

(1) use of vasopressors in the ICU

(2) normal hemoglobin when discharged from the ICU



• Although 428 patients were studied most had cardiovascular and/or lung diseases.

• Only 7% of patients were admitted with hemorrhage. Gastrointestinal bleeding and chronic liver disease are not listed as major diagnoses.


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