
Kitahara et al reported predictors for stoma outlet obstruction following colectomy in a patient with ulcerative colitis. These can help to identify a patient who may need more aggressive management following surgery. The authors are from Toho University in Chiba, Japan.

Patient selection: stoma creation in a patient with ulcerative colitis


Outcome: stoma stenosis


Predictors of stoma outlet obstruction:

(1) high daily stoma drainage volume (2,300 mL vs 1,690 mL)

(2) loop ileostomy (OR 6.4)


Predictor of recurrence following conservative therapy:

(3) thick rectus abdominis muscle (12.7 mm vs 9.3 mm; OR 2.7)


The risk of stoma outlet obstruction increases with the number of predictors present.

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