
Igawa et al identified predictors for small bowel angioectasia. These can help to identify a patient who may require an intervention to reduce gastrointestinal bleeding. The authors are from Hiroshima University in Japan.

Method of detection: capsule endoscopy or balloon endoscopy


Predictors for small bowel angioectasia on multivariate analysis:

(1) cirrhosis (odds ratio 4.8)

(2) cardiovascular disease, including aortic stenosis (odds ratio 2.9)


Other factors from univariate analysis:

(1) age >= 65 years


Endoscopic management of lesions with oozing may involve:

(1) polidocanol injection

(2) argon plasma coagulation

(3) clipping


Note: Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) was not considered in the study.

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