
Dzupova et al reported factors associated with an unfavorable outcome for an adult with acute bacterial infection. This can help to identify a patient who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from Charles University, Bulovka University Hospital and the National Institute of Public Health in Prague.

Patient selection: adult with acute bacterial meningitis


Outcome: Glasgow outcome scale 1 (death) to 4 (moderate disability)


Predictors of an unfavorable outcome:

(1) comorbidity (arteriosclerosis, diabetes, alcoholic liver disease, cancer, immunodeficiency, etc)

(2) time to treatment > 48 hours

(3) coma (Glasgow coma scale 8 or less)

(4) hypotension (mean arterial pressure < 60 mm Hg if age <= 50 years or < 65 mm Hg if > 50 years

(5) higher CSF protein in g/L (mean 5.7 g/L, vs 3.0 for favorable)

(6) low glucose ratio (CSF glucose to serum glucose, mean 0.09 vs 0.18 for favorable)

(7) pathogen other than Neisseria meningitidis

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