
Brant et al identified a number of factors associated with oversedation of a hospitalized patient. These can help to identify a patient who should be more closely monitored. The authors are from Billings Clinic, Stringer Healthcare Consultants and New York Medical College (Valhalla).

Patient selection: hospitalized patients


Predictors for oversedation:

(1) female sex (odds ratio 2.4)

(2) comorbid renal disease (odds ratio 4.2)

(3) untreated sleep apnea (odds ratio 32.3)

(4) therapy with long-acting oxycodone (odds ratio 4.8)

(5) as-needed use of hydromorphone (odds ratio 2.7, route not stated)


Factors reduced risk for oversedation:

(1) as-needed analgesia by oral route (odds ratio 0.2)

(2) as-needed analgesia by intravenous route (odds ratio 0.3)

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