The pulmonary diffusing capacity for a pediatric patient can be predicted based on body measurements.
diffusing capacity in mL CO per min per mm Hg (Weng and Levison) =
= (0.228 * (height in centimeters)) - 17.556
= (14.44 * (body surface area in square meters)) - 2.63
diffusing capacity in mL CO per min per mm Hg (Strang) =
= (0.1535 * (height in centimeters)) - 9.1
diffusing capacity in mL CO per min per mm Hg in males (DeMuth et al) =
= (0.00001817 * ((height in centimeters)^2.767))
diffusing capacity in mL CO per min per mm Hg in females (DeMuth et al) =
= (0.00002012 * ((height in centimeters)^2.724))
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Purpose: To predict a pediatric patient's pulmonary diffusing capacity based on physical measurements.
Specialty: Pulmonology
Objective: other testing, severity, prognosis, stage, complications
ICD-10: J20-J22, J40-J47, R94.2,