
Vital Capacity (VC) maximum volume of air expired from the maximum inspiratory level.


NOTE: While several sources equate the VC with the forced vital capacity (FVC), others distinguish the 2. I have kept the 2 separate.


VC in liters for White males 7 to 70 years (Berglund, 1963)

= (4.806 * (height in meters)) - (0.020* (age in years)) - 2.212


VC in liters for White females 7 to 70 years (Berglund, 1963)

= (4.036 * (height in meters)) - (0.022* (age in years)) - 2.351


VC in liters for adult males (Boren, 1966) =

= (0.133 * (height in inches)) - (0.022 * (age in years)) - 3.60


VC in liters for White males 15-79 years (Cherniack, 1972) =

= (0.12102 * (height in inches)) - (0.01357 * (age in years)) - 3.18373


VC in liters for White females 15-79 years (Cherniack, 1972) =

= (0.07833 * (height in inches)) - (0.01539 * (age in years)) - 1.04912


VC in liters for Chinese males 20-66 years (Da Costa, 1971) =

= (0.0380 * (height in cm)) - (0.0176 * (age in years)) - 1.999


VC in liters for Chinese females 20-66 years (Da Costa, 1971) =

= (0.0298 * (height in cm)) - 1.873


VC in liters for adult males (Goldman and Becklake, 1959)

= (0.064 * (height in cm)) - (0.031 * (age in years)) - 5.335


VC in liters for adult females (Goldman and Becklake, 1959)

= (0.052 * (height in cm)) - (0.018 * (age in years)) - 4.36


VC in liters in adult males 20 - 65 years of age (Grimby, 1963) =

= (4.81 * (height in meters)) - (0.020* (age in years)) - 2.81


VC in liters in adult females 18 - 72 years of age (Grimby, 1963) =

= (4.04 * (height in meters)) - (0.022* (age in years)) - 2.35


VC in liters for males 18-66 years (Kory, 1961) =

= (0.052 * (height in cm)) - (0.022 * (age in years)) - 3.60


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