Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP, povidone) is a polymer that is used in a number of pharmacologic and cosmetic products as a suspending or dispersing agent. Some patients may develop a contact allergy to it.
Sources of exposure:
(1) povidone-iodone (skin disinfectant used in surgery)
(2) hair care products (hairsprays, shampoo, permanent wave solutions, other)
(3) food products
(4) oral or parenteral pharmaceutical products
Reported reactions:
(1) irritant contact dermatitis
(2) anaphylaxis
(3) urticaria
(4) generalized pruritus
Risk factors for contact allergy:
(1) repeated, prolonged exposures over a large skin area
(2) history of allergic rhinitis or atopy
Testing to identify contact allergy may include:
(1) prick tests
(2) patch test
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