In general a drug should be kept in its original container or placed in an approved container. Use of any other type of container can cause problems.
Potential hazards of storing a drug in the wrong container:
(1) The drug may react with the material used to make the container.
(2) Something in the container may react with the drug.
(3) If several drugs are in the container, then one drug may react with another.
(4) A person may mistake the drug for another listed on the label.
(5) A person may mistake the drug for something previously put into the container.
(6) The drug may not be stored properly (exposure to excessive moisture, failure to refrigerate, etc).
(7) Someone may accidentally discard the drug by mistake.
(8) It may be difficult to determine just what a patient took.
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Specialty: Pharmacology, clinical
ICD-10: ,