A patient may develop a vagal neuropathy following an upper respiratory illness.
Clinical features:
(1) The patient has a history of recent upper respiratory infection (URI) consistent with a viral infection.
(2) There is no evidence of a vagal neuropathy prior to the URI.
(3) Signs and symptoms of a vagal neuropathy appear after the URI.
(4) Most patients have been middle-aged women.
(5) No other diagnosis explains the findings better.
Presenting signs and symptoms may include:
(1) breathy dysphonia
(2) globus
(3) vocal fatigue
(4) effortful phonation
(5) odynophonia
(6) cough
(7) dysphagia
Patients may have:
(1) vocal cord paresis
(2) laryngopharyngeal reflux
(3) neuropathic pain (throat or neck)
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Specialty: Pulmonology, Otolaryngology