
The National Athletic Trainers' Association listed symptoms that occur following a concussion. These can be monitored over time as part of patient evaluation.


(1) blurred vision

(2) dizziness

(3) drowsiness

(4) excess sleep

(5) easily distracted

(6) fatigue

(7) feeling "in a fog"

(8) feeling "slowed down"

(9) headache

(10) inappropriate emotions

(11) irritability

(12) loss of consciousness

(13) loss of orientation

(14) memory problems

(15) nausea

(16) nervousness

(17) personality change

(18) balance/coordination

(19) poor concentration

(20) ringing in the ears

(21) sadness

(22) seeing stars

(23) sensitivity to light

(24) sensitivity to noise

(25) sleep disturbance

(26) vacant stare, glassy-eyed

(27) vomiting


Symptoms may be:

(1) listed as present or absent

(2) graded (from 0 absent to 6 extreme)



minimum number of symptoms: 0

maximum number of symptoms: 27

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