
Pneumothorax may occur following transcutaneous needle biopsy of a lung nodule. Poe and Kallay identified risk factors for pneumothorax during fluoroscopically guided needle biopsy of the lung.


The risk of pneumothorax can be predicted from

(1) the depth of the lesion and

(2) if the patient has an increased total lung capacity (hyperinflation).


Depth of Lesion from Surface


depth factor =

= (0.63 * (depth of lesion from surface in centimeters)) - 2.55


probability of pneumothorax based on depth of the lesion =

= 1 / (1 + EXP((-1) * (depth factor)))


Depth from Pleural Surface

Probability of Pneumothorax

1 cm


4 cm


7 cm



Effect of Total Lung Capacity


Equations of Roberts (1991) to predict normal total lung capacity (TLC)


TLC in liters in males =

= (7.956 * (height in meters)) - 6.948


TLC in liters in females

= (7.107 * (height in meters)) - 6.435


patient's TLC as percent of predicted =

= (patient's TLC in liters) / (predicted TLC) * 100



• If the person's TLC is > 120% of predicted, then there is an increased risk of pneumothorax.


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