
Cytochrome P450 2D6 is involved in the metabolism of about 20-25% of clinically used drugs. Variation in its activity can significantly impact the required dosage, response to therapy and risk of adverse drug effects.

Patient Status

Phenotype (Activity of 2D6)

2 null alleleles with no functional activity

poor metabolizer (PM)

heterozygous with one partially deficient gene (some activity)

intermediate metabolizer (IM)

2 normal alleles

extensive metabolizer (EM)

alleles with multiple gene copies (greater than normal activity)

ultrarapid metabolixzer (UM)


About 5-10% of Caucasians are poor metabolizers based on 2D6 activity.


Drugs impacted by 2D6 include:

(1) dextromethrophan

(2) oxycodone

(3) tramadol

(4) venlafaxine

(5) morphine

(6) metoprolol


Activity of 2D6


poor metabolizer (PM)

responds to very low dose; may have toxic effects with a usual dose

intermediate metabolizer (IM)

responds to lower dose and/or prolonged dosing interval

extensive metabolizer (EM)

expected response with usual dose

ultrarapid metabolixzer (UM)

poor response at usual dose; requires high and frequent doses; toxic metabolites could be an issue


Differential diagnosis:

(1) nonadherence to overadherence

(2) drugs or chemicals interfering with 2D6 activity


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