
Phenibut is a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) agonist that is marketed as a dietary supplement or cognitive enhancer (nootropic. Frequent use can lead to dependence, with withdrawal occurring if use is interrupted.

Desired effects: euphoria, anxiolysis, sedation


Withdrawal findings associated with the central nervous system:

(1) behavior changes

(2) problems with memory

(3) delirium

(4) difficulty concentrating

(5) irritability, agitation

(6) emotional lability

(7) anxiety

(8) cravings

(9) insomnia

(10) seizures

(11) psychosis with hallucinations


The patient may be poorly responsive to standard therapeutic agents.


Other findings may include:

(1) fever

(2) tachycardia

(3) rigidity and/or myoclonus

(4) nausea and vomiting

(5) autonomic instability

(6) tremors

(7) hyperreflexia

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