
CD34+ peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPC) can be collected by apheresis for stem cell transplantation. Ford et al listed collection criteria for to ensure adequate dosing. The authors are from the University of Utah at Salt Lake City.



(1) target dose of CD34+ cells per kilogram body weight

(2) body weight of the patient

(3) number of CD34+ cells in peripheral blood

(4) collection efficiency of CD34+ cells

(5) total volume of blood that can be processed during an apheresis session


total dose of CD34+ cells =

= (body weight) * (target dose in CD34+ cells per kilogram)



• The target dose used by Ford et al was 5 * 10^6 per kilogram

• I assume the ideal body weight should be used for dosing since that corresponds to blood volume.


total amount of blood to process in mL =

= (total dose of CD34+ cells) / ((CD34+ cell count per µL) * 1000 * (efficiency as a decimal fraction))


number of apheresis sessions required =

= (total amount of blood to process in mL) / (total volume of blood that can be processed in 1 apheresis session)



• The total volume of blood that can be processed is usually a multiple of the patient’s blood volume, often 2.5 times. The patient’s blood volume can be calculated in Chapter 02.


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