A test for thiamine deficiency, where the effect on transketolase activity seen by adding thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) to the reaction mixture is compared to transketolase activity without the addition.
Specimen: Whole blood is collected with heparin as anticoagulant. An erythrocyte hemolysate is prepared, which is stable for at least 4 weeks if frozen.
Analysis: NADH dependent Erythrocyte Transketolase, measured at 340 nm at 37 C, with and without the addition of thiamin pyrophosphate.
per cent stimulation by TPP =
= (((erythrocyte transketolase with TPP) - (erythrocyte transketolase without TPP)) / (erythrocyte transketolase without TPP)) * 100
• normal per cent thiamine pyrophosphate stimulation: 0-15%
• in borderline deficiency, per cent thiamine pyrophosphate stimulation: 15-24%
• in thiamin deficiency, per cent thiamine pyrophosphate stimulation: >= 25%
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