Traumatic injury to the penis can be graded using the penis injury scale.
Injury |
Extent |
Grade |
cutaneous injury |
laceration or contusion |
I |
cutaneous avulsion |
cavernosal injury |
laceration of Buck's fascia without tissue loss |
II |
cavernosal defect < 2 cm |
cavernosal defect >= 2 cm |
IV |
urethral injury |
laceration of urethral meatus |
urethral defect < 2 cm |
urethral defect >= 2 cm |
IV |
glans injury |
laceration |
penectomy |
partial |
IV |
total |
V |
If multiple injuries are present, then the final grade is increased by 1 up to Grade III.
• I am assuming that the rule for multiple injuries includes going from Grade II to Grade III but not Grade III to Grade IV. This is based on the Testis Injury Scale.
Specialty: Surgery, orthopedic, Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Surgery, general, Urology
ICD-10: ,