The Pan-Immune-Inflammation Value (PIV) is a measure of immune-inflammatory biomarkers. It can help to identify patients with better or worse prognosis.
(1) absolute neutrophil count in 10^3 per µL
(2) platelet count in 10^3 per µL
(3) monocyte count in 10^3 per µL
(4) lymphocyte count in 10^3 per µL
= (absolute neutrophil count) * (platelet count) * (monocyte count) / (lymphocyte count)
• The cutoff in the study of Fuca et al was 390.
• A PIV above the cutoff is considered high.
• A high PIV is associated with a worse prognosis for a patient with metastatic cancer.
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Specialty: Immunology/Rheumatology