
Interatrial block (IAB) may be manifested by a number of changes in the P wave. P wave interatrial block is associated with an increased risk of developing atrial fibrilation.

Pathophysiology: fibrosis of the interatrial conduction pathways, primarily in the Cahmann region


In complete IAB there is a complete blockage of the interatrial conduction pathways. The left atrium is activated in a caudocranial direction, causing a biphasic P wave in the inferior leads.


With incomplete IAB the transmission along the interatrial conduction pathways is prolonged, with an increase in the P wave duration.



(1) morphology of P wave in the inferior leads (II, III, aVF)

(2) duration of the P wave in milliseconds





P wave morphology


not complete IAB block



complete IAB block

P wave duration

< 120 ms

not incomplete IAB block


>= 120 ms

at least incomplete IAB block


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