
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides guidance for proper ergonomics when using a microscope in the laboratory.

The microscopist should:

(1) be sitting close to the work surface

(2) keep the elbows close to the sides

(3) maintain an upright head position and posture by adjusting chair, workbench and/or microscope

(4) have padding for the forearms and wrists

(5) use adjustable eyepieces or mount the microscope on a 30 degree angle



(1) leaning the arms against hard edges

(2) bending of the neck when using the microscope, by proper positioning

(3) prolonged sitting, attempting significant movement every 30 to 60 minutes

(4) having an excessive workload in any given period of time



(1) Keep the microscope clean, repaired and properly lubricated.

(2) The chair should be appropriate for the work and kept in repair.

(3) The workbench should be maintained and stable, with padding on sharp edges.

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