
With oral apraxia (oral buccal apraxia) the patient has difficulty performing actions involving oral muscles (lip, cheek and tongue).


Types based on onset:

(1) congenital: unable to perform oral actions at birth

(2) acquired: previously able to perform oral actions


Findings in oral apraxia:

(1) impaired breast feeding associated with poor coordination in sucking

(2) excessive drooling

(3) unable to follow commands for lip and tongue movements (kiss, suck, stick out tongue, licking lips, etc)

(4) difficulty with articulate speech (in pure oral apraxia language development and the remainder of motor development are normal)


Areas that may be affected in acquired oral apraxia:

(1) inferior frontal gyrus anterior to Broca's motor area

(2) cortical-basal ganglionic degeneration


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