
Rosacea may involve the eye and eyelids. Ocular rosacea is one of the four subtypes of rosacea defined by the National Rosacea Society.


It may occur alone or in with other forms of cutaneous rosacea. The diagnosis may be more difficult if the facial rosacea is absent, mild or missed.


Clinical features may include:

(1) watery eyes, tearing

(2) bloodshot eyes (conjunctivitis)

(3) foreign body sensation

(4) dryness

(5) itching

(6) light sensitivity

(7) blurred vision

(8) telangiectasia of the conjunctiva and/or lid margin

(9) periocular erythema

(10) Meibomian gland dysfunction (plugging, chalazion, chronic Staphylococcus infection)

(11) decreased visual acuity

(12) pseudopterygium


Slit-exam may show:

(1) neovascularization of the cornea

(2) corneal infiltrate

(3) corneal thinning

(4) scleritis or episcleritis

(5) iritis or iridocyclitis


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