
Histoplasmosis can be occupationally-acquired. Some workers are at greater risk than others.


Workers at greater risk for histoplasmosis:

(1) bridge painter or inspector

(2) chimney cleaner

(3) construction worker

(4) demolition worker

(5) farmer

(6) gardener

(7) heating or air-conditioning system service provider

(8) microbiology laboratory worker

(9) pest control worker

(10) someone who restores old buildings

(11) roofer

(12) spelunker

(13) tree service worker

(14) occupant in a building adjacent to site with soil disruption (construction, etc)


When to suspect:

(1) exposure associated with histoplasmosis

(2) exposure occurred in an area endemic for histoplasmosis

(3) flu-like symptoms that persist and/or worsen over weeks


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