
The status of a pressure ulcer may be described using OASIS (Outcome and Assessment Information Set) terminology. The terms were formulated by HCFA to guide reimbursement of care. The following are based on the WOCN (Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse Society) Guidance document.


Pressure ulcers:

(1) any lesion caused by unrelieved pressure resulting in damage to the underlying tissue(s).

(2) usually located over bony prominences



no ulcer or preceding lesion

0 (NA)

non-blanchable erythema of skin with skin discoloration, edema, induration, warmth and/or hardness


partial thickness skin loss with superficial ulcer


full thickness skin loss into subcutaneous tissue


extensive and deep



Pressure ulcer evaluated: most problematic, else most readily observable


Terms for healing:

(1) fully granulating/healing

(2) early/partial granulation

(3) non-healing


The degree of healing is based on an evaluation of:

(1) the wound bed

(2) avascular tissue

(3) signs or symptoms of infection

(4) the wound edges

(5) failure to improve despite appropriate therapy

(6) appearance of a new pressure ulcer


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