
A child with congenital ichthyosis is at risk for nutritional deficiencies. Rodriguez-Manchon et al studied children with ichthyosis for risk factors for malnutrition and its consequences. The authors are from Hospital Infantil Universitario Nino Jesus in Madrid, Spain.

Patient selection: congenital ichthyosis (a heterozygous group of conditions with mutations in over 50 genes)


Reasons for malnutrition: unclear. It may be related to excess water loss through the skin and/or chronic cutaneous hyperplasia and/or chronic inflammation/infections.


Nutritional deficiencies may be present at an early age, so early assessment is important.


Clinical findings in children with nutritional deficiencies:

(1) growth retardation


Risk factors for nutritional deficiencies:

(1) severe ichthyosis

(2) age <= 5 years


Nutritional deficiencies may include:

(1) selenium

(2) other micronutrients

(3) vitamin D

(4) zinc


Recommended laboratory testing: CBC, prothrombin time, serum calcium, serum magnesium, serum potassium, serum phosphorous, serum CRP, serum immunoglobulin concentrations, serum albumin, prealbumin, iron, vitamins, selenium, zinc, other micronutritients


Obesity can also be a problem in a small percentage of patients.

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