
Normally a patient with red cell pyruvate kinase deficiency has a low activity for pyruvate kinase in red blood cells. Rarely a patient with red cell pyruvate kinase deficiency does not show this finding.

Patient selection: non-spherocytic, nonimmunologic hemolytic anemia without hemoglobinopathy


Causes of a normal pyruvate kinase activity:

(1) presence of donor cells after a red blood cell transfusion

(2) incomplete removal of leukocytes

(3) persistence of the muscle (M2) isoform in mature red blood cells

(4) non-physiologic substrate concentrations (causing a failure to detect pyruvate kinase with abnormal kinetics)


When there is a hemolytic episode, older cells with lower levels of pyruvate kinase may be removed, thereby leaving younger erythrocytes with higher levels of pyruvate kinase activity and skewing assay results. After a hemolytic episode the presence of both:

(1) normal pyruvate kinase activity and

(2) elevated activity of other age-dependent red cell enzymes

is suggestive of red cell pyruvate kinase deficiency.


Recommended workup:

(1) examine family members for evidence of red cell pyruvate kinase deficiency

(2) perform sequence analysis for gene mutations

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